Trees – the way they are

Two trees near to each other stood
When they were young and life was new.
Their limbs reach out and their branches entwine
And thus together they grew.

~ Jo Lynne Wood

There’s a lot to learn from the trees.A tree might be quite ordinary or it might be beautiful to look at. But As they grow above the ground, they build strong and deep roots underground.You might be just enjoying the beauty of a tree without even sparing a thought to the roots. How similar it is to our behavior with Humans. Sometimes, like we just focus on the outside and upward appearance without acknowledging what goes inside of us like the roots of a tree.

The quality I admire the most about trees is the togetherness. How they grow together in years and years.Above the ground, they grow tall and separately but their roots are intertwined underground.

In this piece, I’m posting a few of my clicks of the trees.







What we are doing to the trees and the forests is the reflection of what we are doing to one another.

22 thoughts on “Trees – the way they are

  1. Nature is always very supportive to itself… plants live close to one another.. some shelter the others and protect them from the sun… they adapt and grow strong… until humans come along… and then it’s the beginning of the mess…

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